Besides the philanthropic advantages of supporting Saint Meinrad, there may be tax benefits as well.

Indiana residents are entitled to a tax credit equal to 50 percent of the total of their annual gifts to institutions of higher education in Indiana. This is valid on gifts of up to $200 for an individual, or $400 for a couple filing a joint tax return.

For example, a couple making an annual gift of $500 to the Seminary and School of Theology can have $200 of their gift refunded to them at tax time. Simply file Indiana Form CC-40 (we'll be happy to provide you one).

Of course, your charitable gift to Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology also qualifies as a tax deduction on your federal tax return.

For planned gifts, the benefits may include:

  • Expanding your philanthropic ability

  • Providing income tax savings through the charitable deduction

  • Avoiding capital gains tax

  • Increasing current or future spendable income

  • Simplifying the management of financial resources

  • Reducing the costs and time of ultimate estate settlement.

Check with your financial or legal advisor for the most up-to-date information on charitable gifts, or contact Saint Meinrad for additional information.