A typical workshop schedule is Thursday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm CT and Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm CT. Lunch is provided at noon on campus. Overnight accommodations are available for an additional fee.

Liturgy and music workshop

Dr. Karen Shadle

February 15-16, 2024

New Offering (1 credit or non-credit option)
One-credit fee: $637 (Additional coursework required for credit)

41:810 Liturgy and Music Workshop: “Church Documents on Music” by Dr. Karen Shadle
This course presents an overview of the Church's official pronouncements on sacred music and its liturgical applications.  We will explore how these norms have changed over time and assess their impact on liturgical music ministry today. This course will include some listening, analysis, discussion, and reading. No specialized knowledge of music is required.

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introduction to lectio divina

fr. simon herrmann, osb

April 18-19, 2024

Not for credit fee: $100
One-credit fee: $637 (Additional coursework required for credit)

Are you seeking to encounter the Lord in praying with Scripture? This formation workshop on lectio divina will include a general history and the development of this prayer form, as well as provide participants with the opportunity to practice individual and group lectio divina. Additionally, for youth and pastoral ministers, we will discuss some strategies about how to lead lectio divina in a group setting. 

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