Building Up the Body of Christ

The Young Church

The Center for Youth and Young Adult Evangelization focuses on building up the Body of Christ through excellence in youth and young adult formation.

Since the early 1990s, Saint Meinrad also has focused on high school youth through its “One Bread, One Cup” program for liturgical leadership.

Then in 2017, Saint Meinrad implemented its Young Adult Initiative that works directly with parishes and researches the needs of young adults in the Catholic Church.

Conferences and Programs

One Bread, One Cup

A five-day liturgical leadership conference focusing on the Word, Sacrament and Mission of the Roman Catholic Church for high school youth groups and their campus and youth ministers.

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College Internship

The "One Bread, One Cup" College Ministerial Internship Program is a six-week internship for college students. Interns are formed in Benedictine spirituality for ministry in the Church.

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Young Adults

The Saint Meinrad Young Adult Initiative assists partner parishes in developing innovative programs and ministries to meet the spiritual needs of adults ages 23-29.

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Hispanic Ministry

The Office of Hispanic and Latino Ministry creates strategic formation programming for seminarians, priests, deacons, and lay leaders.

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Children's Revival

The Children’s Revival of Participation at Sunday Mass aims to increase the capacity of parishes to incorporate children’s leadership and their ways of worship into Sunday Masses.

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Engage for Faith

Upcoming Events

Support our youth

Our programs offer a chance for youth to deepen their faith and solidify their identity as Catholics. Be a part of the future.

Have questions?

Let's talk

Call Scotty Biggs, Director, at (812) 357-6349
