What attracted you to the priesthood?
The same things that attracted me to Catholicism, which are the sacraments. Not only is the priest called to an intimacy with the sacraments, but he has been entrusted to administer these sacraments to the people of God. There is no greater priestly act than to administer the sacraments to the thirsting hearts of the world.
Who or what influenced you to begin studying for the priesthood?
A priest who simply invited me to give seminary a try. It was a leap. One that I never thought I would take. Growing up as a Southern Baptist, I did not meet a priest until 2016. Within 2 years, I was confirmed into the Catholic Church, withdrew my medical school applications, ended a relationship, and was applying to seminary. The Catholic Church is the greatest gift God has ever given me. I did not come to seminary because I wanted to be a priest, I came because God was calling me to something greater and I could not discern that call on my own. It was only through self-giving to formation that I fostered a deep calling to the priesthood.
What were you doing before you came to the seminary?
I was in college completing a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. The transition from the hard sciences to the classical studies of philosophy and theology was a challenge to say the least! One that was frustrating but rewarding.
Favorite saint and why?
My patron saint, St. Francis Xavier. He exudes a missionary zeal that I desire. What better display of love than to drop everything and go into the unknown where Christ calls you. Truly, a full submission to His will.
Favorite Scripture verse and why?
Psalm 51 is my favorite psalm because it is a cry for mercy in failures and calls for complete reliance on God. It is prayed during morning prayer on Fridays and is a great examination of conscience.
I love to chop firewood, which is no secret here at Saint Meinrad. I enjoy Ultimate Frisbee, weight lifting, any form of exercise or manual labor, studying languages, especially Latin and Spanish, and reading, especially about Scripture.
What aspect of seminary life has been most rewarding?
The entire seminary community has been the most rewarding aspect because the priesthood is a collective and communal effort that exemplifies the body of Christ. Each member of the Saint Meinrad community provides a unique glimpse into the heart of Christ.
What aspect of seminary life has been most challenging?
Self-abandonment. It is one thing to say I want to follow Christ. Giving yourself to help carry the cross in the modern world is not easy in the slightest but proclaiming the truth of the Church, despite the chaos around you, is how saints are made.
Best advice you've heard in seminary?
The priest is a tow truck. His job is not to fix the problems of the world, it is only to help the faithful pick themselves up and accompany them to loving gaze of Christ.
Other Comments?
Becoming co-sponsored with The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and joining the United States Air Force, has been vital to my vocational journey. Priests are needed in every corner of the world, and I am blessed for the opportunity to serve the men and women of the armed forces as a priest in the near future.